Casio Smart


Casio Smart

16 Pieces Set
Modern and Stylish Handle
Pure Aluminum

SKU: CNC343 Category:


Material Detail

Stainless steel as such is not a good heat conductor. Therefore it will always be combined with a highly conductible metal (like aluminium or copper). This conductible metal will mostly be found in the base surface only. In other cases you will find it back all over the body surface, which we call multilayer material. Utensils made of stainless steel have almost unlimited durability, withstand all usual food and detergents and have a neutral odour and taste. Stainless steel can resist temperatures up to 250°C.


Silicone feels soft, looks nice and is heat-resistant (up to 350°C), which makes it increasingly popular as a material for cookware. It is especially used for accessories and handles or knobs.


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